Project Sip is back and we are excited to share our newest drink : Sour Mule. With copper mugs being all the rage these days, Jenn and I thought it be fun to create a twist on the classic moscow mule. Grapefruit is winter's saving grace in the fruit department, and we loved adding a sour punch to the gingery taste of the mule. Thank you so much for following this project and being so receptive and supportive. We are thrilled to have this drink featured here on Design*Sponge. So hop on over to Design*Sponge and add this drink to your weekend menu. See previous drinks here here here here and here.

#projectsip | Project Sip Creators : Jenn Gietzen and Kathryn McCrary
Hand lettering : Jenn Gietzen of Write On! Design | Photography : Kathryn McCrary | Model : Sterling Graves